: 96899188979 : info@6sigma.om
EDI is a leading international awarding body that was formed through the merger of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board (LCCIEB) and GOAL, a leading online assessment provider. EDI now delivers LCCI International Qualifications (LCCIIQ) through a network of over 5000 registered centers in more than 120 countries worldwide.
LCCI International Qualifications are awarded b EDI, a leading international educational services company and an accredited Awarding Body, providing vocational and professional qualifications around the world. EDI is accredited by the UK qualifications regulators and numerous regulatory bodies and Ministries of Education around the world through the LCCI International Qualification brand.
EDI was founded in December 2002 through the merger of GOAL plc, a pioneer of the use of offline testing, and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examination Board.
This combination of an internationally respected awarding body and an innovative specialist in the use of technology in education provides EDI with an unique blend of knowledge skills and makes it a truly global educational services company with a rapidly expanding service range, including online assessment for schools, customized training programs for employers, specialist business broadband provision and electronic portfolios.
We are committed to be recognized by our customers and partners as the UK’s leading provider of innovative, high quality learner assessment and support services.
We aim to achieve this by providing all of our customers,wherever they are in the world, with first class advice, guidance and support.
1. Practical Word Processing (Levels 1 and 2)
2. General Business Qualifications
3. IT Qualifications